What excuses are you willing to give up today?
Be stronger than your excuses
I can’t do it, I don’t have time, I am so busy, I don’t have enough money, I’m tired, I’ll get to it later, I wish I could, but…, The time just is not right, etc.
There are a million excuses out there and I know because I have used most of them at one time or another. The problem with excuses is they keep you stuck, and they reinforce your stories and limiting beliefs. Excuses keep you from meeting your goals.
A great place to start is by listening to what you are saying to others and what you are saying to yourself. Even if you are not ready to change your behavior, you can change what you say to yourself. Instead of saying “I am too busy” you could say, “When I am ready to make a change, I will make the time”. You can do it! Start where you are, make small changes, and before you know it you will be accomplishing your goals!
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