Do you have a blanaced root chakra?

The 1st chakra/Muladhara/ Root chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine at the tailbone, is associated with the color red, and connects to the element of earth. It corresponds with the adrenal glands/adrenal cortex, bladder, colon, large intestine, bones, teeth, legs/hip and blood flow to the heart.

It is the base and the foundation for the chakras above it. When this chakra is blocked or sluggish, it affects the energy flow to all other chakras.  When it is balanced there is a sense of safety, security, stability, and feeling grounded and connected. When imbalanced, there can be anger, fear, lack of self-worth, weight issues, anxiety, depression, lack of confidence, obsessing about money, trust issues, family issues, greed/hoarding.

Some ways to help balance this energy center include taking a walk in nature, sitting on the ground, earthing,  aromatherapy, eating red foods and other grounding foods, crystals, visualizing a red ball around the chakra, mediation, yoga, and using I am statements such as “I am at peace” and “I am safe and secure”.


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