Meet Amy
Hello! Welcome to the Lotus Center for Hope & Healing, LLC. I am Amy Klarich. I am a plant based holistic health and wellness coach. That basically means that I enjoy helping people in a holistic way incorporating the physical, cognitive, emotional, and spiritual (body, mind, spirit).
I studied holistic health coaching at Health Mastery Institute. I have also earned degrees and worked in biology, chemistry, and mental health counseling. The Lotus Center for Hope & Healing started as a counseling/psychotherapy business. I have found that when focusing on one area of wellness, while you may find a band aid for the issue, is it not enough for real healing, and have transitioned the business to wellness coaching. I love the lotus flower and the way it rises out of the mud and murk to bloom in the sunlight. It is reborn every day. It does not get stuck or lose faith while going through the daily transformation and emerges clean and beautiful. Like the lotus, we can move through change and transformation to live our best life.
I have found in my own life that if I focus solely on one area, without working on the whole, it either does not work, it works for a short while but is not sustainable, or throws another area of life out of balance. Another thing I have found in my own life experiences is that I am very good at self-sabotage. Most of us do not recognize self-sabotage easily. It is something that a good friend, coach, counselor, or mentor may bring to your attention.
In my life it has shown up in many ways. Over the last several years, I have been making big changes in my own life in the areas of body, mind and spirit. My teacher Liana Shanti has been instrumental in these changes. While my healing journey continues, I have made some big strides. It has been very uncomfortable at times. It is ok to be uncomfortable, growth and change do not happen in comfortable situations.
A few years ago I quit smoking, quit drinking, and completely changed my diet to a vegan plant based healthy diet. I have also changed my environment, and lost 40+ pounds and counting. While I still hold some of the weight, that is ok. It does not define me and I keep eating healthy and moving everyday. A couple of months later, I also stopped taking antianxiety and antidepressant medications as well as all over the counter medications, allergy/sinus/ Advil etc. I used to pop a pill at any sign of discomfort (my poor liver!) At that time, a few of the other prescribed medications included pain medications, steroids, anti-inflammatory, and 3 diabetes medications. I am now off all but insulin (and will be leaving that behind soon as well). Now I support my body with nutrition, supplements, and practices I enjoy for emotional and spiritual health and healing.
You cannot Thrive in a sick and toxic body.
As you can imagine, taking away all of those coping mechanisms used over a lifetime brought up a lot of wounding, limiting beliefs, and really allowed all of the symptoms I was suppressing and numbing to come to the surface. To say that has not been comfortable is an understatement. But it was necessary for me. There is a lot of wounding under all of those symptoms. My healing journey so far has included the changes I mentioned above as well as challenging my entire belief system about pretty much everything including all aspects of body, mind, and spirit and what it means to save yourself.
Start wherever you are. Whatever level of readiness you are at is perfect. Adding healthy choices in is an easier place to start for many people than taking things away. I was so lucky to have a supportive friend who was also a health coach that I leaned on. I remember how I panicked and cried at the thought of trying a one day juice fast. I did not believe I could do it, but I did. There were so many things that I used to tell myself I could not do. Don’t count yourself out. Find changes you are willing to make, and make them. If you need extra support get it. You ARE worth it. You are worth investing in. I am so excited to hear from you!