Type 2 diabetes is actually an issue with too much fat, not sugar.
Did you know that type 2 diabetes is actually an issue with too much fat, not sugar. The problem is that the excess fat globs up the receptors on the cells and does not allow insulin to bind to the receptors. Insulin acts like a key to open the locked door on the cell to let sugar in to be used as energy. When this does not happen the sugar stays in the bloodstream causing damage to the body.
Over consumption of fat causes diabetes because your pancreas produces more and more insulin as it realizes the body is not properly making energy. The reason it is not properly making energy is because the gumminess of the fat on the cells prevented the energy transfer. When you have impaired insulin response, you set the stage for type 2 Diabetes.
I know some who don’t understand will want to argue. Really, the main arguments come from not liking the truth and many don’t want to regulate fat and animal products. There is not one study that concludes that a high fat, animal based, acidic diet, lowers one’s risk of heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. There are however over 50 years, and thousands of peer reviewed research papers that say a low to moderate fat, high raw, plant based diet is the diet that helps prevent cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
If you reduce fat to 10% of daily calories and eat a wide variety of plants, you can reverse type 2 diabetes! If you are at a healthy weight and not at risk for Diabetes or obesity, you can see how your body does with 15%. I like to use an App on my phone to help track this. It is helpful to track it for a week or so at least to see what 10-15% looks like. I was very surprised.
It does not matter if everyone in your family has it/has had it. You can turn it around. It is a lifestyle disease!
Contact me to schedule a free 20 minute exploratory session.