Some foods increase anxiety

Food is basically either medicine or poison. There really is not a middle ground as far as your body chemistry sees it. Chemistry is fairly cut and dry. There are many foods that destroy the gut microbiome which communicates directly with the brain and the gut houses 90% of your serotonin receptors. Others increase inflammation in the body which triggers anxiety, and many ingredients in packaged foods are chemicals and not recognized as food in the body (because it is not food!) causing an increase in anxiety and a lot of work for your liver to filter out. Some foods and alcohol also affect neurotransmitters and some trigger the release of stress chemicals and hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.   

If you are working on processing trauma, decreasing anxiety, and implementing grounding, mindfulness, and relaxation tools but not addressing nutrition and detoxification you are setting yourself up for failure.

Focus on whole foods. Eliminate or significantly decrease meat and fish and consider giving up dairy all together. The more fresh fruits and vegetables the better. Include some gluten free whole grains and legumes and a small amount of nuts and seeds. It really is quite simple. There is no secret here. It is common sense. The fads like Keto are extremely damaging to all facets of your health body, mind, and spirit.


Breath is a tool that is always with you


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