Do you turn to food for love, comfort, or safety?

You can make a change. There really is hope! It involves making some lifestyle changes, letting go of limiting beliefs, and learning to love yourself, and see that you are worth the effort of self-care, and you are worth being a priority in your own life.

So many of us are taught or teach ourselves to self-sooth with food. When there are unmet needs and trauma in childhood food often becomes a way to seek comfort, love, and safety. It is also a way to numb strong feelings and trauma symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and low self-worth.

We then get stuck in a cycle of eating to try to meet non-nutritional needs, we are left with growing self-hatred and lowered self-worth. Add to that the unhealthy diets and fads, and physical and mental health problems, and it sometimes feels there is no way out and no hope. Most will also sabotage their own efforts to make changes due to issues related to self-worth, limiting beliefs and a variety of factors including not having all of the tools to make healthy and holistic changes.

You are good and you are worthy. There is hope and there are answers. The answers are actually pretty simple. There are many ways to get started and practices you can work on implementing to be able to support yourself holistically through healing trauma and trauma symptoms such as anxiety, self-hatred, low self-worth, self-sabotage, etc. You could:

-Write down the limiting beliefs that you tell yourself and begin to identify the new belief you will say instead.

-Let emotions come up and express them, you have been repressing them too long. Emotions are not dangerous.

-Drink 80 oz of pure water everyday

-Add a green juice to your day

-Start your day with a warm lemon water

-Buy organic

-Take supplements that promote holistic health

-Make more plant-based choices including fruit, vegetables, whole grains (gluten free is best), legumes, and a small amount of nuts and seeds (keep fat low 10-15% of total calories)

-Meditate, do yoga, practice deep breathing or find other ways to relax and ground

-Journal, dance, sing, swim, hike, create

-Seek the support if needed. You do not have to do this alone.

Contact me for a free 20 minute exploratory session


Are you trying to protect yourself from trauma with extra weight?

