Common symptoms of trauma

Trauma itself has a big impact on the body. The ongoing and sometimes lifelong trauma symptoms people experience effect the body in extreme ways too. Living in these states of being creates disease in the body.

It is impossible to separate the mind, body, and spirit. The physical body is affected by thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. When you live in a chronic state of anxiety, fear, self-loathing, shame and guilt you produce many chemicals in the body. You essentially create your own toxic state. When stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline remain chronically high you are at increased risk for heath problems like heart disease.

The liver is responsible for dealing with toxins in the body. Whether introduced through diet, personal care products, air, water or whether our body produced the chemicals itself, the liver is still responsible for the detoxification process.

A great way to support the body is to limit the toxins you are introducing and learning ways to decrease the stress and trauma response while healing. Some ideas include buying organic foods, eliminating or reducing animal products and processed foods in the diet, adding green juices and green smoothies, identifying and challenging negative self-talk and limiting beliefs, limiting social media and TV, adding in use of essential oils and supplements, using practices like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing, learning grounding and sensory exercises and get outside! Make time for fun, creativity, gratitude, and joy!

If you are ready, try a cleanse or a detox. A properly guided detox can set you up for major forward movement in healing trauma on all levels. A juice fast is a great place to start. There are many helpful detox practices to use even if you do not do a juice fast like coffee enemas, dry brushing, and rebounding.

You are NEVER powerless. (If you need a reminder that even in Extremely grave circumstances you have power, consider reading Man’s Search for Meaning). Start where you are and just make a healthy action, and then make another. They add up, and they make a huge difference in your health and the quality of your life!




What is trauma anyway?