B6 is essential for mood regulation because it is essential for nervous system support. It is required to form amine derived neurotransmitters: melatonin, serotonin, epinephrine, GABA and nor epinephrine. All are important for mood, happiness, joy, and calm.
If you have experienced any type of trauma in your life, it is important to support your nervous system. Trauma can make the nervous system stay keyed up and in a fear state.
Plant based food sources include: Avocados, bananas, brewers yeast, carrots, legumes, lentils, and sunflower seeds.
Over 100 enzyme reactions including the metabolization of sugar and starch depends on having enough B6 in the body. It is also important to breakdown glycogen that is stored in your muscle (first the body uses liver glycogen and then goes to muscles to use glycogen for energy) It can’t do that without B6.
-Essential molecule production: Amino acids require adequate supply of B6. Cant use amino acids without it.
-Used to create DNA
-Essential to form new cells in the body. Heme all require B6 for formation
-Prevents inflammation -Inflammation is responsible for so many health problems, it isa precursor to diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
-Prevention PMS symptoms